Blogs — umbra

How Mental Health is Impacted by the Home Environment

How Mental Health is Impacted by the Home Environment

There is a far greater knowledge of Mental Health these days. In the UK, we have recently seen Mental Health Awareness Week. In...
by Robert Monk
Gorgeous Opportunities for Indoor Gardens

Gorgeous Opportunities for Indoor Gardens

Displaying plants and foliage anywhere at home can give off a calming sense of peace and beauty. Capable of bringing an individ...
by Robert Monk
Gorgeous Kitchen Organisation by Umbra

Gorgeous Kitchen Organisation by Umbra

A busy kitchen needs proper organisation to work at its best. The latest storage and organisation products from Umbra available...
by Robert Monk
5 Bathroom Essentials for Style and Function

5 Bathroom Essentials for Style and Function

The bathroom is an integral part of the home to keep well-ordered and organised. Why so? Well, it is a place to relax and get r...
by Robert Monk
Designer Ways to Organize Accessories Beautifully

Designer Ways to Organize Accessories Beautifully

Daily grooming, styling and applying beauty products are made far more practical and enjoyable when there is a good level of or...
by Robert Monk
Keeping Precious Things Safe – Designer Jewellery Boxes

Keeping Precious Things Safe – Designer Jewellery Boxes

Jewellery, small objects, and precious things deserve a stylish and well-crafted place in the home to ensure they are properly ...
by Robert Monk
Wonderful Mirror Style for Artistic Reflection

Wonderful Mirror Style for Artistic Reflection

Space and style in any room are accentuated brilliantly with good placement of mirrors and looking glasses. Here at Dotmaison, ...
by Robert Monk
Superbly Made Designer Mirrors for Any Interior

Superbly Made Designer Mirrors for Any Interior

A designer mirror offers a wonderful of changing the space and shape of an interior. By providing a new sense of space and dime...
by Robert Monk
Designer Storage Items for Creating Space

Designer Storage Items for Creating Space

Ensuring that things are neat and tidy at home offers a whole host of benefits. It makes perfect sense that when items are log...
by Robert Monk
5 Coffee Tables that Exude Elegance and Grace

5 Coffee Tables that Exude Elegance and Grace

The coffee table is fundamental to relaxing at home. A stylishly made surface for holding magazines, books, coffee and snacks ...
by Robert Monk
How to Create a Delightful Indoor Garden

How to Create a Delightful Indoor Garden

Furnishing the home with beautiful plants and flowers is a brilliant way to enjoy the comforts of natural beauty and organic li...
by Robert Monk
Fun Games for Home and Travel

Fun Games for Home and Travel

Having access to a range of fun games and puzzles can brighten up any occasion. Whether travelling from place to place on holid...
by Robert Monk